The To Read List:

My own indulgences:

The Bell Jar (again)

Lydia Davis short stories

The Mammal’s Notebook – Satie

Cesar Aira

Essays on Madame Bovary

Cortazar’s letters

Anais Nin’s diaries

James Wood – essays

The Mirror – Russell Edson

Grace Paley

Alice Munro

Eat-your-vegetable reading:

Dostoevsky – The Idiot & Notes from Underground

On my shelf to read:

Djuna Barnes, Christopher Isherwood, Nabokov (The Gift), Guns, Germs & Steel

To check out, seen around a lot:

Leaving the Atocha Station – Ben Lerner

Mavis Gallant

Poets: Ungaretti, Pavese, Mina Loy